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E Komo Mai
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Around Waipio Gentry
Board of Directors
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Board Shorts
Applications & Forms
Condo Declaration Documents

Important Contacts
Royal Palm at Waipi'o
94-1330 Kulewa Loop
 Waipahu, Hawaii 96789
Security Officer on duty 228-1261 cell
   Dispatch Office 
Michael Morton
Phone/Fax - 671-0527 
Please call to set up an appointment
so I can give you all the attention you need
   Jadean DeCastro
   Phone/Fax - 566 - 4100
94-1036 Waipi'o Uka St
Waipahu, HI 96797
(808) 671-2272

Special Announcements
(1) Everyone can be part of the neighborhood watch. Pay attention to any person loitering near your condo/unit. There is No Soliciting at Royal Palm.  If the person is soliciting or looks suspicious, you can anonymously call security @ 228-1261 and call 911. Better safe and secure than sorry and scared.
(2) If you are planning a general renovation or AC/screen door installation, please complete the necessary forms located under "Applications & Forms"
(3) Bulletin Boards
Many important notices are posted on the bulletin boards located at each set of mailboxes, at the cabana, and near the site managers office.
(4) MONTHLY WATER SHUT OFF  The Royal Palm Association has authorized a plumbing company to install new water shut-off valves for each building. This improvement project has been implemented with two buildings per month and should be completed in 2018. The water for all units is required to be shut off during each month’s replacement/installation. A notice on the bulletin boards as well as a sign at the road entrance will be posted to alert tenants/owners when this will occur. Times are subject to change based on the plumbing company’s availability.

Upcoming Projects
2018 Projects
-Replacement of water valves
-Replacement of mailboxes


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